Enchanted SWOPSHOP
SWOPSHOP is where (Enchanted) and (K&A Custom Fabrics and Hardware) join forces and offer our customers the opportuinty to SHOP overseas without the extortinate shipping and customs charges.
This allows customers
In the UK to order from K&A and have it shipped to us direct (once received by Enchanted we invoice you for local postage!!) - how does that sound!!
Customers in the US can order from any part of Enchanted Fabrics and have it shipped to K&A direct (once received by K&A they will invoice you for local postage!!) - how does that sound!!
UK customers can SHOP as normal 😊
US customers can SHOP on any part of the website including retail and hardware :)
If you want to order now but pay local postage Enchanted Fabrics will hold your order until then. If you would like to do this just choose SWOPSHOP shipping option if your happy to pay international postage please shop as normal :)
LINK to K&A Custome Fabrics & Hardware